What is E-E-A-T & Why it’s Important

Google E-E-A-T is an acronym that stands for Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It is a term used by Google to measure the quality of a website or page. The E-E-A-T of a website can be determined by looking at the authoritativeness of its content, the experience level of its writers, and the education level needed to understand this information. 

According to our SEO Experts, it is important to have a high E-E-A-T score for your website or page because Google uses this as a way of deciding how high to rank your content on its search engine results pages.

In this article, we will talk about what exactly Google E-E-A-T is in SEO. We will also discuss how you build an authority site from scratch so that it can get ranked higher on Google search results pages (SERPs).

What is Google E-E-A-T in SEO?

In order to understand what E-E-A-T is and how it’s used in SEO, we first need to review the basics of how Google ranks websites.

extra E for ExperienceGoogle has a complex ranking algorithm that uses information from your website, including its metadata and content, as well as other signals like links from other sites. However, Best SEO Experts suggest that there are hundreds of different factors that go into a website’s placement in Google search results—and these factors change over time. But there are three main components that determine where you rank on Google:

  • Domain name – The domain name has nothing directly to do with SEO but can impact your rankings if it doesn’t have any negative keywords or phrases included in the URL structure (URLs starting with www vs non-www). So if your site is called “www.examplewebsite1234567890”, then this could negatively affect you because users will see “website1234567890” as spammy and click away from viewing your page.
  • Keywords – These are words or phrases that describe what products/services you offer so people can find them more easily online when they search for those terms while browsing through search engines like Bing or Yahoo! Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). They can also be used by companies like Ahrefs, who provide free tools based on their own algorithms, which help marketers generate reports about their competitors’ backlinks indexing sites so they can see what kind of links work best for them too!

How does Google determine E-E-A-T?

Let’s discuss how Google decides a page’s E-E-A-T now that we have clarified what E-E-A-T is.

Google E-E-A-t The Google search quality evaluator guidelines describe four main elements at a high level:

  • Personal knowledge of the subject
  • The expertise of the Main Content’s author.
  • The credibility of the website, the Main Content’s author, and the Main Content itself
  • Reliability of the website, the Main Content’s author, and the Main Content itself

What is YMYL?

YMYL stands for your money or your life. This acronym is used to describe websites that provide advice on finances, health, safety, and other important topics. Google wants to make sure that these sites are trustworthy. It does this by using a combination of manual reviews and algorithms to determine the trustworthiness of a website.

YMYL ExampleThis means that if you have a YMYL site (i.e., one that provides advice on important topics), it’s very likely that Google will consider it high-quality content when they rank results in their search engine results pages (SERPs).

Types of YMYL websites

  • The pages most often considered YMYL include:
  • News and current events: Subjects that include business, politics, science, and technology as well as global events (Not all news is covered by YMYL, for example, sports and entertainment news, but you should still aim for high E-E-A-T to raise the profile of your material.)
  • YMYL guidlinesCivics, government, law: Information about voting, government organizations, public institutions, social services, or legal counsel is disseminated under the headings of civics, government, and law.
  • Finance: Any guidance or information on finances, including loans, investments, taxes, retirement planning, and insurance.
  • Health and safety: Health and safety: Content that features or dispenses information or advice on health and medical issues, including hospitals and pharmacies, or drugs (emergency preparedness or content that defines or discusses dangerous activities)
  • Groups of people: Content that features information or claims about people based on ethnicity, race, nationality, religion, age or disability, gender (gender identity), sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Is Google E-E-A-T a ranking factor?

Google E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) has become a popular topic among SEO professionals in recent years. With much debate surrounding the concept of Google using E-A-T as an official ranking factor, it is difficult to know what to make of it. 

To shed more light on the debate, our best SEO Expertise suggests that there is evidence to suggest that Google does indeed consider E-A-T when determining how to rank content.

Although this doesn’t provide a definitive answer for whether or not it is a direct ranking factor, the evidence does suggest that websites with higher scores for these metrics are generally more successful in organic search results.

Ultimately, it will be up to webmasters to ensure their content and website have good Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness scores in order to stay competitive.

Why is Google E-E-A-T important for your SEO strategy?

When it comes to optimizing your website’s SEO, no element is more important than Google E-E-A-T (Expertise, Experience, Authority, and Trustworthiness).

This concept has been championed by Google for some time as part of its mission to serve users with the most relevant and trustworthy content. In other words, for SEO success, you must ensure that all of your webpages have a high level of Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T)!

By writing content from experts in the field, citing reliable sources and providing links to trusted sources, you can boost your SEO rankings significantly.

Additionally, using customer reviews and testimonials can help promote trustworthiness among potential customers. Ultimately, investing in improving your site’s E-A-T is key to successfully maximizing your website’s SEO reach.

How to improve E-E-A-T SEO

Let’s discuss some Google E-E-A-T SEO recommended practices because of how important organic search is.

Thankfully, there are many particular actions you can do to significantly enhance the content on your website and make sure it transmits the trust signals that Google (and users) seek. Just keep in mind that if your site is listed as YMYL, expect it to be held to an even higher standard.

  1. Build the right backlinks with off-page SEO

The most important thing you can do for your website’s SEO is to build high-quality backlinks. Google uses external links as a way to determine how relevant and trustworthy other sites think your content is, so it’s important that they are pointing towards your site with authority. Make sure you’re building outbound links on websites that have similar audiences as yours because this will increase the likelihood of that site linking back to you.

  1. Get more mentions from trusted sources

Mentions from trusted sources are important for your E-E-A-T. If you’re trying to build your E-E-A-T, getting a mention from a trusted source is one of the best ways to get backlinks. You can also see if there are any other ways of getting backlinks (like guest posts), but they’re not quite as good as getting mentions from sources that people trust and respect. And this is where the importance of Google E-E-A-T comes into play because having high Google E-E-A-T means that you are going to have more opportunities to get those sought-after mentions and backlinks!

  1. Keep content accurate and up to date

  • Accuracy. If your content is inaccurate, it won’t be of any use to anyone.
  • Up-to-date. Your content should never be out of date because that’s not helpful either!
  • Make it easy for yourself to update your site’s content, and make sure you have an easy way of sharing new articles across other platforms like social media and email newsletters (more on this later).
  1. Get more reviews (and respond to them)

It’s also important to respond to reviews in a timely manner. While some companies choose not to respond at all, this is a mistake. It shows you don’t care about your customers and opens up the opportunity for negative reviews from unhappy customers who want their voices heard.

How do you get more reviews? The best way is by offering incentives for people who leave a review: discounts on their next purchase or another incentive (see example below).

You can also ask them directly if they would be willing to give feedback on their experience at your business, especially if they have already given positive feedback but haven’t left 5 stars or written something positive yet!

  1. Use or hire experts

Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, we all need to learn from those who have gone before us. This is one of the reasons that experts like myself exist: to help you learn and grow your business.

  • Use experts in your industry to help guide you on your journey.
  • Hire the Best SEO Company in Ahmedabad with experts in your industry for long-term relationships that will help guide you on your journey.
  1. Flash your credentials

If you want to show off your professional credentials, then your website is the perfect place to do it. You can get creative and use a big font or even flash them onto the screen using HTML and CSS. Make sure they are visible on mobile devices as well!

  • Include your degrees, certifications and licenses
  • List testimonials from past clients
  • Link to your LinkedIn profile
  1. Show your contact details

You should make sure that your business contact details are easy to find on your website. This can include a phone number and address, but it could also include other information about your company that may be useful for potential customers.

Depending on the type of site you have, this may include things like opening hours or product availability information.

  1. Get a Wikipedia page

  • Get a Wikipedia page. Having your own Wikipedia page is one of the best ways to get mentions on sites that are trusted by Google and other search engines. Getting this type of citation, or link back to your site, can also help you rank higher in search results because it helps you gain authority in the eyes of these search engines.
  • Build your page. The first step toward building your own Wikipedia page is going to be creating an account with them and then editing this existing article until it includes all relevant information about you (and any project/company) so that people will want more information about what you do here on Earth!
  • What should go into a Wikipedia article? Include links back at least once per paragraph if possible but no more than three times per paragraph because otherwise, it might look like spamming instead of legitimate research being done online by people who want more info out there about their favorite hobbies or interests.

For example: “SEO” has four instances where people may click through onto another website where they can learn more about what SEO stands for – just like how “E- E- A-T” has three instances above – so these terms have been chosen wisely by industry experts who know what makes good catchy content enough so as not too much nor too little so as not be overwhelmed by all that’s written down there!

  1. Audit your brand

Auditing your brand will enable you to ensure that your website is meeting Google’s guidelines, ensuring that it is meeting the needs of customers, and ensuring it is consistent across all platforms.

  1. Perform a content audit

  • A content audit is a process of reviewing your website to see what’s working and what isn’t.
  • It can be done manually or through automated software, like Google Search Console (formerly known as Webmaster Tools), Majestic SEO, Ahrefs, or SEMrush.
  • The results will allow you to identify opportunities for improvement in terms of keyword research, on-page optimization, link-building strategy, and more.
  1. Build a content marketing framework

The content marketing framework should also be flexible to help you achieve your business goals, which may change over time. It’s important that this framework is able to adapt and grow along with your business as you evolve and expand.

  1. Go easy on the ads

Too many ads can be a big distraction from the main purpose of your e-commerce website. You want to make sure you’re not overdoing it with ads or they may be a turn off for visitors.

Ads can also be annoying and distracting, so keep them at bay when possible. It’s important that you don’t clutter up your pages with too many advertisements, especially ones that aren’t relevant to what they’re viewing or buying.

If someone lands on your page and sees an ad that looks like it belongs on another site, they’ll probably close the tab right away and go elsewhere—and chances are good that they’ll never come back again!

  1. Promote offsite

Offsite promotion is just as important as onsite SEO. It involves getting links, mentions and reviews from other websites. Links are the number one factor in search engine rankings, making it vital to get more linkable assets (content) out there so you can gain links naturally.

Google E-E-A-T and the future of SEO

The Google E-E-A-T concept is a ranking factor, a quality signal, and a trust signal. It is also an authority signal. Google E-E-A-T will be an important ranking factor in the future as well because it measures how popular your site is compared to other sites in your industry or niche.

So if you want to rank high in Google’s search results, this is something that you need to have on your website: lots of links coming from other websites talking about what you do. Sites with good content are the ones that tend to attract more backlinks because people like them and want others to read their content too!


We hope this post has given you a better understanding of the importance of Google E-E-A-T SEO and what it means. As we mentioned earlier, if your site doesn’t have these qualities, then it can harm your rankings in search results.