How To Create A Simple SEO Report with a Template?

Are you lost in a sea of SEO reports? You’re not alone. We all know that the search engine optimization (SEO) industry is full of jargon, acronyms, and other confusing terminology. If you’re new to SEO reporting or just need a refresher course, this guide will help you understand what an SEO report is and why you should create one for your business with the help of a Top-notch SEO Company in Ahmedabad.

What is an SEO Report?

An SEO report is a document that details the results of your SEO efforts. The purpose of an SEO report is to inform your audience about how well you are doing against your goals, and what steps you will take next to improve performance.

The best way to create an effective SEO report is by having clear goals from the beginning. This will help guide you through the process so that everything stays on track, even if things don’t go exactly as planned (which they almost never do).

If you want to create an effective SEO report, then it’s important that you keep a few things in mind. First and foremost is the fact that your audience does not care about technical details or jargon; they just want to know how well their website is performing and what steps they can take next to improve it.

Why Should You Create an SEO Report? 

Creating an SEO report is a great way to understand the performance of your website and identify areas for improvement. It also helps set goals for future SEO efforts, track progress, and measure the success of your campaign.

An SEO report will help you understand the performance of your site, identify areas for improvement and set goals for future SEO efforts. An SEO report will help you understand the performance of your site, identify areas for improvement and set goals for future SEO efforts.

SEO Reporting Tools You Need

There are a lot of SEO reporting tools out there, and each one is used for different purposes. The following list includes a few of the most popular ones:

  • Google Search Console (GSC)
  • Google Analytics
  • Semrush
  • Ahrefs
  • Moz

If you’re using multiple tools, it’s important to make sure that they’re all working together and providing consistent data. You could also just use one tool for everything; however, this would take more time than necessary because each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses in terms of providing insights into your site’s SEO performance.

The best approach is to use a mix of tools and then look for patterns in the data. If your site is doing well, it should show up consistently across all the tools that you’re using. If there are inconsistencies, then this means something has changed on your site that needs further investigation.

If you’re just starting out with SEO, it’s best to focus on the basics first. Once your site is ranking well and getting traffic, then you can start exploring the more advanced features of digital marketing. An exception to this rule would be if you have a very specific goal in mind that requires a certain type of content or link building strategy.

If this is the case, then it’s worth getting some experience with the more advanced features of SEO so that you can use them effectively.

Google Search Console (GSC)

The Google Search Console (GSC) is a free tool from Google that you can use to see your site’s search performance and get it verified. You can also use GSC to find and remove any errors on your site, which is important because having an error-free, optimized website will help with SEO.

For example, if you have a lot of 404 errors or broken links on your site, then that means those pages won’t rank as well in Google’s SERPs–and could even get penalized by the algorithm!

The first step to using GSC is to create a Google account and verify your website. You can do this by going to the GSC homepage and clicking “Verify Your Site.”

After you’ve verified your site, you can use this tool to see how it’s ranking in Google SERPs. You can even view the search queries that brought people to your site and see what pages they visited once they got there. This is great for SEO because it helps you understand what people are searching for and how they’re using your website. It also makes optimization easier because you’ll know what keywords are driving traffic to your site.

Once you’re logged into GSC, click “Search Traffic” and then “Search Console” from the dropdown menu. After that, click on your website from the list of sites and click “Dimension.” You can use this tool to see how many impressions each page gets in Google SERPs, as well as how many clicks those pages receive. This information is important because it helps you understand which pages are working best for SEO–and what people are looking for when they land on your site.

The Google Keyword Planner is an essential SEO tool because it lets you see how many people search for certain keywords, which ones are most popular, and what’s driving traffic to those keywords. This information will help you understand what people are looking for when they use Google and make your site more user-friendly.

Top-notch SEO CompanyGoogle Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool that allows you to track your website traffic, demographics and engagement. It’s one of the most popular analytics tools in the world and it can help you optimize your site for better SEO.

Google Analytics tracks things such as:

  • How many people visit your site?
  • Where they’re coming from (e.g., Google Search)?
  • What pages they view on your site?

When someone visits a webpage with Google Analytics installed on it, an anonymous cookie will be placed on their computer so that when they leave and browse other sites within certain parameters (such as being on the same domain), this information can be passed back along so that all of these actions can be tracked together into one report showing how each page performs over time across multiple platforms like social media or email newsletters etcetera…

The analytics tool also allows you to set up goals for your site so that you can track how many people complete a certain task and how long it takes them. This is important because it helps you better understand what people are doing on your site and where they’re getting stuck—which can help with optimization.


Semrush is a tool that can help you with your SEO. It’s useful for keyword research and finding out what your competitors are doing.

  • Find out which keywords your competitors rank for: The SEMRush tool allows you to see which keywords other websites are ranking for in Google, so that you can find new opportunities and improve your own rankings by targeting them too!
  • Use it as an auditing tool: If there’s something wrong with the way that one of your competitors is ranking in Google (e.g., if they’re using black hat techniques), then this will show up on Semrush’s analysis report too!

See what content is working for them: The SEMRush tool also allows you to see which content your competitors have produced, and which ones have performed well in terms of traffic and rankings. This will help you find out what kind of content works best for your business too!

See what keywords they rank for: The SEMRush tool allows you to see which keywords your competitors are ranking for in Google, so that you can find new opportunities and improve your own rankings by targeting them too! 

Use it as an auditing tool: If there’s something wrong with the way that one of your competitors is ranking in Google (e.g., if they’re using black hat techniques), then this will show up on SEMrush’s analysis report too! See what content is working for them: The SEMRush tool also allows you to see which content your competitors have produced, and which ones have performed well in terms of traffic and rankings. 


Ahrefs is a tool that helps you track the performance of your content, find out what is working and what isn’t, see where your competitors are getting their backlinks from and much more. It’s an excellent way to get an overview of the SEO landscape for your industry or niche.

You can use Ahrefs to search for keywords that have high search volume and low competition (meaning there aren’t many people competing for those keywords). Then you can write articles around these topics with good quality content on them which will help you rank higher in Google search results when someone searches those terms!

Ahrefs is an excellent tool for anyone who wants to improve their SEO. It’s easy to use and has a lot of features that make it worth the money. You can even use it as a keyword research tool, or find new blog post ideas!

Ahrefs is one of the most popular SEO tools out there, and for good reason. It has a ton of features that can help you find and grow your audience. You can use Ahrefs to search for keywords that have high search volume and low competition (meaning there aren’t many people competing for those keywords). 

Then you can write articles around these topics with good quality content on them which will help you rank higher in Google search results when someone searches those terms! Ahrefs is an excellent tool for anyone who wants to improve their SEO. It’s easy to use and has a lot of features that make it worth the money.


Moz is a powerful SEO tool that can help you identify opportunities to improve your SEO performance. It provides a lot of useful data, including:

  • Keyword rankings for any website or keyword
  • Links pointing at your site from other websites (including links from social media sites like Facebook and Twitter)

The Moz Open Site Explorer (OSE), which allows you to see a list of all the backlinks pointing at your siteThe Moz Local tool, which allows you to see local SEO rankings and find the best keywords in your area The Moz Pro suite is a bit more expensive than Moz Free but includes some extra tools that are helpful when it comes to analyzing your website.

Moz also provides some great tools for finding keywords, including: The MozBar extension in Google Chrome that shows the Page Authority and Domain Authority of each page as you visit them 

What Goes Into a Good SEO Report?

Now that we’ve covered what an SEO report is and who it’s for, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty of creating one. A good SEO report will help you communicate with your client, boss or stakeholders in a way that makes sense for them–and if you want to be taken seriously in the industry, this is something you’ll need to master.

A good place to start is by looking at examples of other people’s work; see how they present their information and what metrics they use. Just as there are many ways of designing websites (from minimalistic design aesthetics all the way up through full-blown animation), there are also many ways of presenting data visually. So don’t feel like there’s only one format out there: try experimenting until you find something that works best for both yourself and your audience!

When it comes to the actual content of your report, there are two main things that you need to cover. The first is a high-level overview of how your client’s website performed over the time period you’ve been monitoring it; this should include metrics like traffic, social shares, backlinks and organic search results (using data from tools like Google Analytics or SEMrush).


I hope this guide has helped you understand why it’s important to create an SEO report, what goes into a good one, and some tools you can use to get started but its best if you leave it to Top-notch SEO Company. Digital45 focuses on bringing you to the peak of Google’s first page and take your business to the next heights.